
My primary motivation in this is to figure out how server-side-events work. After reading several treatises on the subject and looking at a few github modules, I was still not sure how to implement what I had in mind.

Ultimately, after reading and reading, the next best thing was to sit down and start working up an example.

Once I had a working example, the next best thing was to figure out how to encapsulate the salient pieces of the working example into something that I (and perhaps others) could a) improve in isolation, and b) ultimately use in other applications.

This is the result.

(Hey -- along the way, I'm getting a bang-up introduction to npm publish, github projects, jekyll, and publishing to github pages, not to mention docker. Whee!)

Note that as of this writing, it’s still a work in progress. I keep going back to the docs and references and tuning things to my new understanding.

Then, too, things don’t necessarily work as specified - on Chrome, for instance, the ‘retry_interval’ argument is happily ignored. Chrome sends the re-connects pretty much whenever it feels like it.

But that may be a mis-interpretation, too.

I’ll keep updating things as I learn. Also, if anyone cares to chime in, please do.
